Write Fresh Poetry Inspired by Winter Scents
Winter is a season of sensory magic, and its smells are among its most evocative elements. From the crisp air of a snowy morning to the warm, spicy scent of cloves and oranges, these fragrances hold the power to transport
How to Use A Commonplace Journal for Poetic Inspiration
A commonplace journal is a notebook where you store and organize information and notes for later use. Once described as “a diary without the risk of annoying yourself,” commonplace journals do not include any of your own thoughts or introspection,
3 Rain Prompts to Wash Away Writers’ Block
Gray skies, a million raindrops, tumultuous winds—rain and storms offer endless writing inspiration. Whether you explore your healing journey, appreciate nature’s everyday beauty, or bring attention to a natural disaster, here are some rainstorm prompts to spark your creativity. Write a
How to Make a Mood Board to Inspire Your Poetry
Whether you’re starting a new poetry collection or writing in your free time as a hobby, consider creating a mood board. Mood boards are a fun way to express your creativity, inspire your poetry, and help you stay on theme.