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October is the favorite month of many writers and readers, with its crisp air and changing leaves inviting us to notice the natural imagery of our surroundings and snuggle into…

The autumnal equinox arrived on Saturday, September 23. This marks the day that the sun crosses the celestial equator—otherwise known as the official first day of fall. An ancient tradition,…

Although summer is filled with life, warmth, and inspiration, the long, scorching days likely leave you feeling physically, and therefore creatively, drained. If you find yourself experiencing writer’s block this…

Poetry is often thought of as the most romantic literary genre. With this rosy reputation in mind, reading a poem to your partner, transcribing it in a card or incorporating…

During summer, many enjoy spending time outside. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or simply enjoy occasionally sitting in your backyard, the outdoors provides endless creative opportunities for your writing practice.…