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Sleep offers sweet surrender from the day, rejuvenating our minds and bodies so we can be healthy and vibrant. But not everyone benefits from the pleasures of snoozing. In fact,…

With the first month of the year wrapping up, how are you feeling about your 2020 writing resolutions? Whether your answer falls under amazing or meh, the way to attain…

Promoting your poetry can feel uncomfortable, daunting or even impossible. With so many writers working to be seen or have their work published, it can feel like there isn’t room…

When you think of the beginning of fall, you might think of crisp leaves, cozy sweaters, and steaming apple cider, but do you also think of amazing work by women…

I still remember why I first created my Twitter account: because one of my writing professors “strongly suggested” it. At the time, the process of replacing my blank “egg” avatar…