How to Stay on Track with Your Writing Goals

To develop, expand, and ultimately hone their craft, writers often set writing goals for themselves. Whether you’re a poetry hobbyist, an aspiring poet, or an established writer publishing collections, staying on track with writing goals can prove challenging. To help, we’ve compiled a list of tips for fulfilling your goals.


Design your goals to work for you

To avoid disappointment and overwhelm, design goals that work for you and your lifestyle. 

If you’re writing as a hobby and simply want to improve your skills, maybe your timetable to achieve your goals can be less rigid. 

On the other hand, writing professionally might require stricter scheduling. If one of your goals is to be published in x number or journals and magazines this month/year, for example, you’ll want to adhere to deadlines, both your own and those of the publications. Even more seriously, if your ultimate writing goal is to build a following on social media in order to sell collections, you’ll need to both consistently write and create poetry content.


Create a schedule in your phone or download a scheduling app

Scheduling your goals is the simplest way to stay on track. First, jot down both short and long-term goals in a journal or your Notes app. Then, to remain organized, create a schedule in your Calendar app or in an alternative scheduling app. This way, you can receive notifications of when and what to write on specific days. 


Write with a friend or join a writer’s group

Although writing alone can be relaxing, working on your own leaves room for distraction. To stay focused, consider writing with a friend or attending a writer’s group on a regular basis. 

You and your friend can share your goals with each other, which will keep both of you accountable. If you focus best in a quieter environment, meet at one another’s homes. Or, if you’re more inspired when you’re in a public place where others are also working, consider meeting at a coffee shop to write.

writer’s group can help you learn new techniques, which could inspire your goal-setting. Depending on the group’s structure, you might even be able to find support and advice from the instructor and members for achieving your specific goals.


Treat writing as a form of self-care

No matter your goals, always treat writing as a form of self-care, since writing helps you express your creativity, process your emotions, and heal. This mindset will make you excited and motivated to achieve your goals, rather than feeling pressure and insecurity.

Take this approach a step further by writing in an inspiring environment when you’re writing at home. Whether you write in a dedicated indoor space or simply enjoy writing in your backyard, writing in a calm environment can help spark your creativity. 


Stay consistently inspired

Writer’s block can hinder your ability to meet your goals. To avoid this dreaded experience, stay consistently inspired. Check out our poetry prompts and writing tips, or express your creativity in other ways, like creating a poetry-themed mood board

We hope these tips have motivated you to boldly pursue your writing goals—also keep in mind that it’s okay for your goals to change and evolve over time. Good luck, and happy writing!