6 Ways to Play with Fall Imagery in Poetry
For many poetry lovers, Autumn has arrived, bringing with it crisp air and vibrant foliage. The rich and captivating colors of fall create a vivid canvas for poets to craft verses that evoke the sights, sounds, and emotions of the
5 Poetry Prompts for Women’s Equality Day
Women’s Equality Day was originally established to commemorate the Nineteenth Amendment’s passage, which effectively granted white women the right to vote. As we recognize this holiday and contend with its racist history, we must advocate for intersectional change moving forward. If
3 Essential Oil Blends to Support Your Writing Practice
Have you ever smelled a beloved family recipe and found yourself transported to a specific time and place? Or perhaps you’ve walked through a flower garden and experienced a mood boost from the plants’ intoxicating fragrances? Maybe you’ve walked in
How to Design an Inspiring Writing Space
For many writers, one’s environment can either enhance or inhibit creativity. Why not create a space that supports your writing practice? Whether you have an office, desk space, or nook, you can easily customize where you write. Here are some
5 Summer Activities to Help With Writer’s Block
Although summer is filled with life, warmth, and inspiration, the long, scorching days likely leave you feeling physically, and therefore creatively, drained. If you find yourself experiencing writer’s block this season, enjoy these summer activities that will ignite your creativity. Go
4 Ways to Build Confidence as a Poet
Creative pursuits—whether at a hobby or career level—inevitably come with challenges, and poetry is no exception. From rejection to writer’s block, building confidence as a poet can often feel like an uphill battle. To aid you in your writing journey,
Ocean-Themed Poetry Prompts to Help Your Creativity Flow
As temperatures rise, many of us long for relaxing days spent by the ocean: the feeling of sand between your toes, the sense of peace you feel while wading in cool water, the sun’s comforting warmth on your face. Pure
Tips for Writing Outdoors-Inspired Poetry
During summer, many enjoy spending time outside. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or simply enjoy occasionally sitting in your backyard, the outdoors provides endless creative opportunities for your writing practice. In honor of National Great Outdoors Month this June, here
How to Write Poetry About Mental Health
Many poets originally start writing to process experiences, thoughts, and emotions. This creative outlet helps us make sense of the confusing, frustrating, or painful aspects of life. It’s no surprise, then, that throughout poetry’s history, mental health remains a constant
8 Writing Exercises for National Poetry Month
National Poetry Month is the perfect time to reflect on poetry’s role in your life. There are many ways to celebrate—from visiting your favorite local bookstore to attending events starring your favorite poets. It’s also a great time to think
4 Quick Tips for an At-Home Writer’s Workshop
Writing may feel lonely at times, but having a support system is integral to any writer’s success. These support systems can be formed in a number of places, whether it be in school, at work, online, or through friends and
4 Winter Poetry Prompts to Help You Connect With Nature
Gray skies, chilly air, and bare branches. Unlike the bright growth of spring and summer or the colorful scenes of fall, winter can often feel dull and lifeless—but there’s much to appreciate about our natural world throughout the season. To