Don’t Miss These 6 Poetry Scholarships
Looking to further your education in poetry? Don’t think you’ll have to foot the bill on your own. There are a number of resources, foundations, and endowments out there ready to lend a helping hand to talented poets. All you
7 Poetry Contests To Submit To in September
The general sentiment about poetry contests seems to be that they’re intimidating and difficult to win. And in recent years, the number of poetry contests has surged, leading to an overwhelming, ever-expanding list of opportunities, each with their own unique
How to Self-Publish a Book of Poetry
With the rise in poetry communities across platforms like Instagram, Goodreads, and Tumblr, self-published collections have helped poets everywhere land the book deal of their dreams. Rupi Kaur, perhaps the most popular example, was in school to be a lawyer
How to Grow Your Audience on Social Media
I still remember why I first created my Twitter account: because one of my writing professors “strongly suggested” it. At the time, the process of replacing my blank “egg” avatar with a photo, finding people I wanted to follow, and
8 Reasons to Appreciate the Villanelle
Sometimes known as a villanesque, the villanelle is a fixed-verse poem made up of nineteen lines: five lines of three (or a tercet) followed by a four-line stanza (or a quatrain). The first and third lines of the first tercet
10 Reasons to Love Iambic Pentameter
While traditional poetic forms sometimes get a bad wrap for being too strict, remember that rules can often help you push your creativity. The most common meter in English poetry, iambic pentameter is measured in pairs of syllables called “feet.”
Best How-To Books on Writing Poetry
One of the most frequently mentioned tips for improving any craft is to keep learning. And when it comes to poetry, adjusting to and growing alongside the ever-changing genre can only benefit writers. From learning a new poetic form to
Should You Publish Your Poetry Anonymously? Successful Anonymous Poets and the Pros and Cons of Publishing Under a Pen Name
With the rise of social media, we might feel as though we need to document our every move or broadcast our deepest thoughts. The internet has become a platform for self-expression, a space to showcase who we are, what we
From Block to Brainstorm: Prompts to Activate and Inspire Your Poetry
About once a week, I do some of my pre-writing rituals—stretch, light candles, take a bubble bath, read a favorite poem for inspiration—and then when I’m relaxed and swathed in blankets, I hope an idea arrives.
22 Poetry Prompts to Help You Write Your Next Great Poem
While there is so much joy associated with writing, there is one pitfall that we all fall prey to—the dreaded writer’s block. It can strike at any moment and fill our hearts with frustration. But never fear! Sometimes, all we
Famous Poets and Their Writing Habits: What We Can Learn from Them
If the work is going badly, I stay until 12:30. If it’s going well, I’ll stay as long as it’s going well. It’s lonely, and it’s marvelous. I edit while I’m working. When I come home at 2, I read
8 Poetry Exercises to Help Your Creativity Flow
Writing is a lot like running: it goes over better if you stretch first. It’s not easy to dive into a blank page cold, and it can be frustrating to expect a full-fledged poem on your first try.