3 Healing Poems For Your Heart Chakra
The chakras are the energy centers in our bodies that connect us to ourselves and the world around us, and each of the main chakras represents different parts of ourselves. The chakras influence our moods, emotions, vitality, and our mental
Poems for Those Living With Chronic Illness
Did you know that 6 out of 10 people in the United States are living with a chronic disease? Four out of ten are living with two or more. Chronic illness is broadly defined as having a health condition for
Can Exercise Influence Your Poetry Practice?
Have you ever felt a surge of creativity after a sweat-filled spin class? Or have you ever experienced a breakthrough after a run around your block? We’ve known for a long time that mental and physical health are connected and can
Four Self-Confident Poems for the Solar Plexus Chakra
People often call the solar plexus chakra the “power chakra.” With this in mind, its location at the diaphragm makes perfect sense: This chakra literally invites us to speak up and assert ourselves, overseeing everything from our belief systems, to
5 Poems for Your Yoga Practice
When I used to practice yoga at a studio in Miami, one of my favorite moments was listening to poetry. My instructor, Maria, was the one who taught me how to do Hatha Yoga when I was 23. After savasana,
8 Creative Poems for the Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is the second primary chakra (after the root chakra, or Muladhara). Located about three inches below the navel, the sacral chakra is known as the center of our feelings and sensations. Think of it as
Four Gregarious Poems for Gemini Season
Oh, Geminis. As the inspiration behind hundreds of memes and one of the most frequently referenced zodiac signs, the Twins can have an infamous erratic streak and a penchant for drama. Behind these tweet-worthy stereotypes, however, Geminis also carry traits
Poems to Encourage and Remind Us We Aren’t Alone In This Pandemic
Hi, friends. I hope you and your loved ones are staying well during this pandemic. I know that the state of our world right now has taken a mental toll on many of us in different ways. Social distancing from friends
3 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Poetry
Meditation and poetry are best buddies. The more you meditate, the more your poetry can flourish because you have practiced being present, and this practice will attune you to inspiration and creativity. On the flip side, poetry can make your meditation
Rooted in Poetry: 4 Poems for Your Root Chakra
At their most fundamental level, the seven chakras represent where energy flows in the body. Controlling elements from love and inner-peace to communication and self-expression, the chakras hold high importance. Spiritual teaching tells us that when these chakras are open,
Six Poetry Prompts for Radical Self-Love
Here at Read Poetry, we’re big proponents of self-love. From bringing you ways to celebrate yourself with poetry to poetic methods for emotional healing, we believe poetry can help you protect and build upon your most important relationship. With scientific
3 Sacred Poems and Mantras to Heal You
I first discovered Kundalini Yoga when I was 23 years old. I was sitting on the hardwood floor of a studio in Miami as I chanted sounds that I barely meaning knew the meaning of. I held prayer beads in