Inward by Yung Pueblo

3 Poems to Promote Your Intuition

Intuition is a mysterious and elusive experience that is often difficult to describe, and that’s one of the reasons it has captivated the interest of many writers, poets, and yogis throughout the ages. The singer Jewel wrote a song about it, the meditation leader OSHO gave talks about it, and the intellectual Malcolm Gladwell researched the subject for his book, Blink. Many people describe intuition as a nudge in their gut, while others have a hard time differentiating between intuition and fear. No matter how you try to understand it, there is a truth that is absolutely clear: Intuition is a compass that will never lead you astray if you learn how to listen to it. 


It’s important to develop our intuition for our mental health and self-care. In her DVD on awakening intuition, Kundalini Yoga Master Gurutej Kaur says breathing exercises, mantras, and chants help awaken and clear the chakras which then increases intuition. She indicates that the three main chakras for intuition are the sacral chakra, the heart chakra, and the third eye. She also says that by practicing yoga, we can center ourselves with intuition: “We want our intuition to be awake enough so that we know what supports our essence, so that we can remain strong and alive and awake for the rest of our lives.”  


Poetry is another way to understand intuition. Because poetry usually contains metaphors and literary language, it’s a great tool for navigating intuition. Below are three poems that help us explore this mystical experience and bring us closer to increasing our intuition. 




Yung Pueblo is a writer and speaker who helps people heal their problems through teachings and poetry. On Instagram, he posts spiritual insights and observations about how we can feel freedom through meditation. He also writes reflections about how thoughts and feelings affect our mental health. He has written about intuition by describing its ethereal state. In his book inward, Yung has many poems that address reaching stronger self-awareness. Here is one of these poems: 


as her love grew, her ability to feel the
unseen and listen to the wisdom of the
eternal strengthened. the walk on the path
to freedom had changed her; though she
still experienced times of difficult release,
the feeling of unity remained ever present
in her body. now that she lived her life in
the grassy field between mortality and the
infinite, she could feel that the space in
her heart was the same as the heart of
the earth and the heart of the universe. 



This prose poem describes a woman who has reached a high level of intuition. She uses divine wisdom to attain peace and serenity and lives her life from a place of freedom. She is not separate from universal energy and feels as if she’s a part of it. This is the place where intuition leads. It’s not about mental chatter, fear, or trying to control life. It’s about allowing life to guide you from a place of spiritual awareness. 




There is a lion inside of you
And she wants to be free
I have seen glimpses of her wildness
When you forget to pull her leash
I have acted as prey
Trying to tempt her to be released
But you have muzzled her roar
Barely giving her enough air to breathe
Why do we fear the lion inside us being untamed?
When she holds the courageous power
We need to break free and change
I have no interest in living
A half-life where my lion is trapped
She intuitively guides me in
Following my soul’s map
Her roar is far louder than
The whispers of my fear
I beg you to release your lion
And claim the love that has always been here! 


As a meditation and yoga teacher, Allie Michelle explores creativity and intuition in her poetry. In this poem from her book, The Rose That Blooms in the Night, she empowers the reader by reminding them of the courage they have within. This courage can be seen as a female lion that roars wildly and isn’t afraid to guide the speaker toward her intuition and her soul’s purpose. 




Tanya Markul is a poet, speaker, healer, and an intuitive. She overcame a traumatic childhood and emerged with many spiritual lessons to teach us. With her honesty and courage, she writes articles and poems that empower readers to be the best version of themselves. In astrological and spiritual terms, we call this person a “wounded healer” because they understand the pain and strength it takes to heal through personal experience, and that gives them the wisdom to know how to help others.  


I first discovered Tanya when she published her beautiful poem “a blessing for these times,” which she wrote during the beginning of the global pandemic. In the poem forty-six, from her well-known collection The She Book, she uses nature imagery to show its healing powers and to remind herself and the reader how the natural world is our connection to spirituality and intuition. 



To me, being spiritual means: 

Whispering to trees,
laughing with flowers,
falling in love with sunsets,
consulting the water,
and worshipping the stars.

One hand to my heart.
One hand to Earth.
And sparkles.
Tons of them.