10 Affirmations from Alex Elle to Live By


Author and self-care advocate Alex Elle uses her words to remind us of the ways we can show up for ourselves like we would for others. On her Instagram page @alex_elle she posts affirmations that serve as little love notes to herself and her readers. Here are ten affirmations that we should love by every day.

1. today i affirm: when life is tough i will stay soft.

Life is never easy. But one thing to remember is to never allow the difficulties to harden you. Staying soft is not a sign of weakness, but one of strength.

2. today i affirm: to nurture and nourish every part of me. not just the whole and good, but the wounded and the healing. 

Think of yourself as a garden; everything within you blooms when you tend to every part of yourself.

3. today i affirm: to walk boldly in the light of love and not cower at the darkness of doubt.

Taking chances, especially when it comes to love, is not easy. Instead of letting doubt get the best of us, it’s important to think about all the ways that love, in any form, can help us reach our highest selves.

4. today i affirm: my worth is not contingent on how others choose to love me, but how i choose to love myself.

To be loved by others is a wonderful thing, but to love yourself is even more beautiful. Choose how you love yourself as the basis of how you view yourself.

5. today i affirm: i rather feel deeply – with all of my heart, and with every ounce of my being, than not feel anything at all. 

It’s easy to shut down when there is so much going on in life. However, shutting down only hinders you from moving forward. Be open to feeling all of your emotions.

6. today i affirm: outside projections and judgement will not be allowed to speak for my truth.

Don’t let others’ perceptions of you dictate your truth.

7. today i affirm: to acknowledge my pain and suffering without becoming a victim of it.

Recognizing and acknowledging the things that have hurt you is necessary in your healing process. At the same time, don’t let it overtake you.

8. today i affirm: saying no can set the tone for self-preservation.

Sometimes we try to be everything to everyone, but it’s just not possible. It’s healthy and important to set boundaries, starting with saying ‘no.’

9. today i affirm: i give myself permission to take up space.

Trying to make yourself smaller for other people does not serve you in anyway. You are worthy of your space. All of it.

10. today i affirm: to stand deeply rooted in love, always.

Love is capable of anything and everything. Choosing to stand in love every day is powerful.