a person reading

8 Reasons for Reading Poetry in Translation

Poetry is a universal form of expression, bridging cultures and transcending language barriers. Reading poetry in translation opens up a treasure trove of literary gems you might otherwise miss out on. So to get you headed to your nearest bookstore or library, we’ve nailed down eight reasons to read poetry in translation.


1. Discover New Perspectives

Every culture has its unique way of seeing the world, and poetry is a window into these diverse perspectives. Through translated texts, readers can experience the worldview of poets from different cultures and time periods. This exposure broadens our understanding and appreciation of the human experience.

2. Appreciate the Universality of Human Emotions

Emotions are universal, yet they are expressed differently across cultures and languages. Reading poetry in translation allows us to see how different societies articulate feelings of love, grief, joy, and despair. This can deepen our empathy and connection with people from diverse backgrounds.


3. Explore Cultural Heritage

Poetry often reflects the cultural, historical, and social contexts of its origin. By reading translated poetry, we can learn about the traditions, values, and histories of other cultures. This exploration enriches our knowledge and fosters a greater appreciation for global cultural heritage.


4. Enhance Language Skills

Even though you’re reading a translation, exposure to different linguistic structures and vocabularies can enhance your own language skills. Translators often strive to preserve the poetic devices of the original text, offering readers a unique linguistic experience that can improve their understanding of both the original language and the language the work has been translated into.


5. Support the Art of Translation

Translation is an art form in its own right, requiring creativity, sensitivity, and a deep understanding of both languages involved. By reading translated poetry, you support and acknowledge the work of translators who bring these works to life, often providing new interpretations and dimensions to the original text.


6. Encounter Literary Diversity

Different cultures have unique poetic forms and traditions. From Japanese haikus to Persian ghazals, reading translated poetry introduces you to a rich variety of literary styles and techniques. This diversity can inspire and inform your own writing or appreciation of poetry.


7. Experience Classic Works Anew

Many classic poems have been translated multiple times, each version offering a new interpretation. Comparing different translations of the same poem can be a fascinating exercise, revealing how language shapes meaning and how different translators bring out various nuances of the text.


8. Broaden Your Literary Horizons

Reading poetry in translation expands your literary horizons beyond the confines of your native language. It opens up a vast literary landscape, filled with voices that might otherwise remain unheard. This can lead to discovering new favorite poets and gaining a deeper appreciation for the global tapestry of literature.


Reading poetry in translation is a rewarding endeavor with numerous benefits. It allows us to discover new perspectives, appreciate the universality of human emotions, explore cultural heritage, enhance language skills, support the art of translation, encounter literary diversity, experience classic works anew, and broaden our literary horizons. So, the next time you pick up a poetry book, consider exploring the rich and varied world of translated works. You’ll find that it enriches your reading experience in ways you never imagined.