poetry prompts

33 Poetry Prompts to Thaw Writer’s Block

The holidays have come and gone, and we are left with the cold hues of the winter months. No more tinsel and glitter. No more vibrant decorations and cheerful music to ignite cheer and warmth in those who see and hear. For some, these months after the holidays and before spring can seem gloomy and a little uninspiring. If you’re like me, it may be tempting to want to hibernate until the first signs of spring and put your writing supplies away for another day. But, if we truly look around, there is still magic in the air. I hope that these poetry prompts can help you thaw any writer’s block you may be experiencing during these short days and long nights.


  1. Imagine you’re looking at a snow-globe. What do you see?
  2. Now, imagine you are IN the snow-globe. What do you see?
  3. Think about your favorite winter activity and describe it and how it warms your heart.
  4. You’re making a snowman. Who is with you and how does it remind you of simpler times? Write a poem about it.
  5. Write a haiku about winter weather.
  6. Write another haiku about combating the elements with warmth: fire, cozy sweaters, blankets, etc.
  7. No two snowflakes are alike. Reflect on this as you think of the world around you and write a poem about it.
  8. After the holidays, the winter months can feel long and lonely. How do you bring the magic of the holidays into the new year?
  9. A new year brings thoughts about new beginnings. What new beginnings are in your heart?
  10. Look at the bare trees in the winter landscape. What feelings does it evoke in you as you look at them? Sadness? Transition? Restlessness?
  11. Write a poem about being in a winter season of the heart. What hope do you have for spring?
  12. Use the words “harsh,” “chill,” “thaw” and “warmth” in a poem.
  13. Write a poem with one verse for each season. End with a verse that ties it all together.
  14. Write a poem about opposites (examples) fire and ice, day and night, winter and summer.
  15. You are going sledding down the biggest hill you’ve ever seen. You’re excited and scared at the same time. How is this hill like something you’re currently experiencing?
  16. Some people love winter adventures and some people want to remain in the warmth, away from the elements. Write a poem from each perspective.
  17. You are in the attic unpacking your winter clothes for the months ahead. What else do you find while you’re looking?
  18. Think about things that are beautiful in their own seasons: sunflowers in the summer, snowflakes in the winter. What does it tell us about life?
  19. Think of a favorite childhood memory that took place in winter. Write about it.
  20. Write a poem using the words kindled, sunrise, frozen, and darkness.
  21. You are painting a winter landscape. What do you see? How does it relate to your emotions?
  22. Imagine your heart is in the midst of the winter season. What helps it feel warmth again? What gives it hope for summer?
  23. New years resolutions are upon us. What resolutions have you made? Which have you abandoned? 
  24. Reflect on the year behind you and refresh your perspective. What have you learned?
  25. How is the new year a chance to find the magic again, even after the holiday cheer has come and gone?
  26. You are snowed in. What does the experience make you feel? Is it a welcome pause and stillness or time of restlessness? Write a poem about your thoughts.
  27. You are water. Choose a form and write from that perspective. Are you a flowing river? Are you a frozen lake? Are you rain in a dry season? Snow in a still season? Channel the characteristics of whichever form you choose and write about it. 
  28. Choose a winter month. Write a story or memory about something special that happened in it. 
  29. Think about someone whose favorite season is winter. Write about this season from their perspective. 
  30. Use the words “forget,” “longing,” “begin,” and “tree trunk” in a poem. 
  31. Think of a fire crackling on a cold winter’s night. Use that as a basis for a poem.
  32. What is a comfort food that you like to have or make during the colder months? Write a poem about it and any other comforts you find in the chilly weather. 
  33. The snow is beginning to melt away as spring is on the horizon. Write a word picture about this and the transition both physically and mentally that happens with the changing seasons. 


Happy writing! I hope that these prompts have helped thaw out any writer’s block that may be lingering in your creative space. If you happen to use any of these poetry prompts, please use your poem in the comments below. We would love to read them.