February calendar

24 Heartfelt Poetry Prompts for February

February is in full swing, which means lots of fresh poetry prompts that explore love, loss, and an appreciation of the journey our lives take us on. Get out your pen and paper (or laptop), and let’s dive into some February-themed writing prompts to get you started. 


1. Write a poem about celebrating a Virtual Valentine’s day. How do you do it? Who do you celebrate with?


2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the month of February? Write a poem inspired by it.


3. January tends to feel like a new beginning and a chance to reassess goals. Think of February as another chance to hit reset. What do you want to change moving forward?


4. February is the shortest month of the year. Write a poem dedicated to February in 28 words or 28 lines. (Or, if you want to write one inspired by a leap year, go for 29!)


5. February’s birthstone is the amethyst. Read up on this distinctive, purple crystal and write a poem inspired by its attributes or history.


6. Although February is often a time to celebrate romantic love, take the time to write a poem of appreciation for another loved one: a friend, parent, sibling, or any other person who holds meaning in your life.


7. Try your hand at a collaboration poem with a friend, and incorporate a February theme (themes could include romance, heartbreak, or celebrating Black history.)


8. Write an acrostic poem using the word H-E-A-R-T.


9. Watch a romantic comedy and write a poem immediately after inspired by it.


10. Write a poem that combines the love stories of multiple people into one, cohesive piece.


11. What does love mean to you? Write a poem defining love in your own way.


12. Have you heard of the Five Love Languages? Read about them—maybe even take the quiz to discover yours—and write a poem based on what you learned about how you give or receive love.


13. Think back on previous Valentine’s Days and create a poem based on a past memory.


14. Write a poem that explores a relationship from the beginning stages of new love to the deeper, long-term companionship of commitment.


15. Write a poem that discusses falling in love versus staying in love.


16. Write a poem about fighting to make love last.


17. Create a haiku that focuses on a favorite aspect of February. Maybe you have a February birthday or participate in a special event this month. Use that as your muse.


18. What makes February feel different from January or March? Write about some of the ways it stands out.


19. Write a poem about putting a shattered heart back together. What does the process look like? What is learned along the way?


20. Take out a pen and paper. Write a letter to someone you love, and let that letter inspire a poem immediately after.


21. Choose five love songs at random on Spotify, or wherever you listen to music. What did they have in common? How did they differ? Write a poem that seeks to make sense of any overlapping themes.


22. If you were going to receive a Valentine this year, what would you want it to be? Write about why that would be special to you.


23. Write a love letter to yourself. Take the time to highlight some of your strengths and accomplishments over the past year. Write yourself the encouragement you would write to a loved one or friend.


24. Think of three different people who matter greatly to you. Write a poem inspired by each of them and give it to them this month as a unique Valentine’s Day gift. 


While several of these prompts have to do with Valentine’s Day and romantic love, I hope they also inspire you to think about love in a broader sense. I hope they serve as a catalyst so you can creatively explore where you are this year compared to last year. I hope this gives you an opportunity to think about the people and the things that matter and how they can inspire further writing and reflection. And I hope that these prompts serve as a starting point as you dive into a new year of writing prompts. If you try any of them out, be sure to tag us or let us know in the comments.


Happy writing, friends!